Thursday, June 18, 2009

Obama Criticizing Negative Media

Please read the article here, then my comments below:

The president says, “I am happy to have a serious conversation about how we are going to cut our health care costs down over the long term, how we are going to stabilize Social Security”. But this is after he criticized those that gave critical analysis of the President’s actions and got a small amount of media's attention (tea bagging was an underground event). They were complaining about government spending. So far, the government spending has had nothing to do with health care or social security. It has everything to do with stabilizing the economy. And let me ask, how much of the government money that has been offered to the economy has actually gone out? According to the Wall Street Journal only 5%, $55 billion dollars has gone out, which is barely scratching the surface of how much is planned to be given to “stabilize” the economy. I agree with President Obama when he says that the economy is stabilizing as he has said in several press releases. But, my concern is that 95% of the remainder of the stimulus is yet to be paid out. I am concerned that the President’s actions to “stabilize” the economy will actually destabilize it in the future. I have two specific immediate questions for the President, which is what the “tea baggers” were asking about:

1) Who is going to pay this money back? And 2) When is the government going to “get out” of managing American companies such as GM?

The only logical conclusion to the first question is taxpayers. Unfortunately, the government will determine who should carry the heavy burden of this tax. And unequal taxation is not an option for a free economy to flourish. And what socialist economies have ever flourished? Our economy is based on the independent man’s ability to choose. What is the motivation for doing your best in business? Success. If anyone tampers with the successful, then our economy is going to backfire on itself. Why? The successful are the ones who have won in their pursuits to be innovative and create business. They are the ones who started with little (in most cases) and developed business into something successful. Successful businesses higher all classes of people. Take away motivation and you take away purpose and passion of the successful and the ones who are working to be successful. One source of motivation is accumulation of money. Money that you earn, not money that you create, is then used to benefit society.

2) The government doesn’t ever jump in with both feet and then eventually back out. It will do in health care soon what it has done in GM. It’s just like a new toy for a little kid. Give a kid too big of a toy and he won’t want to play with the little one anymore. And, if they don’t get out, who is going to want to compete in a free market economy with a government run car manufacturer or health care or whatever else privately owned enterprise? No one. Why would anyone go to the extent of developing a business that competes with the best car manufacturers when the government can just print more money for itself? And, the natural course of a free economy, which has natural checks and balances just based on competition itself is now non-existent.

So, Obama, before we go and spend more money on social security or health care, please address the critics question more directly.